Cadastre of Real Estate
Cadastre of real estate (hereinafter referred to as KN) is geometrical determination, listing and description of real estate; the cadastre comprises data on rights to the real estate. KN consists of cadastral documentation arranged by cadastral districts. Cadastral documentation comprises the documentary materials necessary for cadastre administration and cadastral documentation renewal. Cadastral documentation is kept in paper or electronic form. Cadastral documentation includes parts as follows:
- Description data file
- Geodetic data file
- Set of documents
- Summary data of the cadastre on the land fund
- Land registers and railway register
KN data are part of the Information System of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre and Public (Affairs) Administration Information System at the same time.
At the central level, KN is administered in Geodetic and Cartographic Institute (GKÚ) Bratislava and at the district level it is administered in the cadastral departments of district offices. The main focus of GKÚ Bratislava in the sphere of central KN is to provide portal services from its central database data.
Since 1994 GKÚ Bratislava has fulfilled the function of a departmental scan workplace, which digitizes analogue cadastral maps to use them in KN administration and for protection of these maps as well.
Published: 02.01.2015 / Updated :
Updated: 30.03.2021