Discovery service


ZBGIS Metainformation System is an application providing web service in accordance with the OGC CSW v2.0.2 specification and the INSPIRE implementing regulations for Network Services. The service allows to search and browse metadata about data and services in the system ZBGIS and ESKN.

The application interface offers: 

  • Search for saved metadata by specifying a keyword, additional parameters (content type, data category, date) or spatial restriction (administrative unit name).
  • Browse metadata in tree structure by classified data source.

The application also provides a detailed listning and XML schema of the searched metadata record, displaying a spatial extent of data in the map window, URL address to obtain data, displaying the preview for the webmap service (WMS), as well as connection and displaying web map service (WMS, WMTS) in the MAPKA application.

Part of the ZBGIS Metainformation system is also a database (catalog) containing metadata about various sources of geospatial data of the geodesy, cartography and cadastre sector.

The application is available only in slovak language. The application User´s Guide (Slovak only) you can find here.



Updated: 14.06.2024