What are your office hours?

Office hours for Customer Centre, Central Archive of Geodesy and Cartography a Map Service are as follows:


 Monday  8:00 - 12:00  12:30 - 14:00
 Tuesday  8:00 - 12:00  12:30 - 14:00
 Wednesday  8:00 - 12:00  12:30 - 15:00
 Thursday  8:00 - 12:00  12:30 - 14:00
 Friday  8:00 - 13:00  

What is your Institute address, phone number and e-mail address?

Geodetický a kartografický ústav Bratislava
Chlumeckého 4, Dodacia pošta 212
827 45 Bratislava

IČO: 17316219
DIČ: 2020838083

E-mail: gku(at)skgeodesy.sk

Further contact information you can find here.

Where to find information on products and services provided by your Institute?

Further information on our products and services, their prices and the way in which they are provided you can find on our web sites: www.gku.skwww.geoportal.sk

Updated: 12.08.2022