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INSPIRE (INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe) is an initiative of the European Commission. The European Commission and Council Directive (2007/2/ES) of the same name entered into force on 14th March 2007, geared to create the European legislation framework necessary for establishing the European spatial information infrastructure. The Directive lays down general rules for establishing this infrastructure, primarily to support environmental policies and policies having impact on the environment. The main goal of INSPIRE is to provide access to large quantity of high-quality and standardized spatial information on the Union and Member States levels.
Basic principles of INSPIRE:

  • Data are gathered only once and at level where this can be done most effectively,
  • Problem-free possibility to combine spatial data from various resources and to share the data between numerous users and applications,
  • Spatial data are created at one level of state administration and used at all other levels,
  • Spatial data will be accessible under conditions not restricting the extensive use of the data,
  • Easier search for accessible spatial data, assessment of their use suitability for the given purpose and accessibility of information about conditions under which these data can be used.

Transposition of the responsibilities following from this Directive is ensured by adopting a separate law in Slovak legislation, namely the Act No. 3/2010 Coll. on the national infrastructure for spatial information (NIPI Act), which came into force on 1ST February 2010. Technical frames of implementation are determined by implementing regulations, i. e. by implementation rules, which are directly applicable. Among further rules entering the INSPIRE Directive implementation process is e. g. Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (NR SR) No. 215/1995 Coll. on Geodesy and Cartography as amended by later regulations, which is implemented by the Decree of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚGKK SR) No. 300/2009 Coll. and which lays down e.g. the parameters of binding coordinate systems, or location standards for map series.

In the Slovak Republic, the duty of an administrator for the INSPIRE Directive has been assigned to the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (MŽP SR) by the Decree SR No. 745 of 3rd October 2007. Official professional organization, performing for MŽP SR the function of the National Contact Point (NCP), is the Slovak Environmental Agency (SAŽP).


Updated: 19.01.2024