Display Catalogue for ZBGIS

The purpose of the Display Catalogue for ZBGIS® is to provide information on the display of ZBGIS® features, including display rules. The Catalogue is created for 1: 2 000, 1: 5 000 and 1:10 000 scales and in the future catalogues for other scales will be gradually added.
Creation of the Catalogue is based on the current Feature Catalogue (KTO ZBGIS®) and the cartographic model. The information provided is used for creating thematic extensions of geographic information systems based on ZBGIS®. The Catalogue is created exclusively for map compositions of the MAPKA application and is intended for display on digital display units, therefore it does not meet the requirements of the international standard ISO 19117: Geographic information - Portrayal.
Public administration institutions manage their own information systems and display their thematic features on the basis of their own, internal definitions. In some cases, they also contain features contained in ZBGIS®, which is the reference basis of the national spatial data infrastructure and is binding for the creation of state basic and state thematic map series, and these are displayed according to other, internal definitions. Subsequently, a non-harmonized display of objects in spatial databases and on the institutions’ geoportals is created.
The aim of the Display Catalogue for ZBGIS® is that the display of featuresthat are the subject of the basic database was harmonized and in this form provided by public administration institutions.

The Display Catalogue for ZBGIS® for 1: 2 000 and 1: 5 000 scales is available here.

he Display Catalogue for ZBGIS® for 1:10 000 scale is available here.





Updated: 12.08.2024