Web application and map services

Six map themes were created for the MAPKA application and a complex cartographic expression was used for all scale sets from 1: 2 000 to 1: 2 000 000
Ukážka mierkových sád s komplentým kartografickým vyjadrením

The symbolism for the complex cartographic expression was created on the basis of a preliminarily approved cartographic model for ZM10 - ZBGIS®. A symbol was assigned to a feature (Fig. 1), with additional manual cartographic modification (Fig. 2) in case of cartographic conflicts.
Ukážka komplexnej kartografickej symboliky
                                                                  Fig. 1
Ukážka kartografických reprezentácií
Fig. 2

Map Theme – Base Map
Map Theme - Base Map

Map Theme Cadastre of Real Estate
Map Theme - Cadastre of real Estate

Map ThemeTerrain
Map Theme - Terrain

Map Theme Geodetic Control
Map Theme - Geodetic Control

Map Theme Archive
Map Theme - Archive

Map Theme Geographical Names
Map Theme - Geographical Name

12 cartographic models were created for WMS services. A corresponding layer from the ZBGIS® vector base map was selected for each WMS and simple cartography was applied.

Updated: 14.06.2024