2nd production cycle 2020-2022

Second production cycle (2020 - 2022) of the Orthophotomosaic of Slovakia was completed in 2023. Territory of Slovakia was divided into three parts – west, central and east (each one about 17,000 km2). Aerial photographs of western part were taken in 2020, the central part in 2021 and the eastern part in 2022. 

Technical report: Orthophotomosaic of Slovak Republic 2020-2022 (Slovak only).



Orthophotomosaic 2nd cycle  for download
Western part 2020 (RGBN) ZIP1 (98 GB)  ZIP2 (95 GB)  ZIP3 (127 GB)  ZIP4 (113 GB)  ZIP5 (121 GB)
Western part 2020 (RGB) ZIP1 (88 GB)  ZIP2 (81 GB)      
Central part 2021 (RGBN) ZIP1 (90 GB) ZIP2 (86 GB) ZIP3 (86 GB) ZIP4 (79 GB) ZIP5 (100 GB)
Central part 2021 (RGB) ZIP1 (73 GB) ZIP2 (85 GB)      
Eastern part 2022 (RGBN) ZIP1 (119 GB) ZIP2 (91 GB) ZIP3 (64 GB) ZIP4 (118 GB) ZIP5 (93 GB)
Eastern part 2022 (RGB) ZIP1 (84 GB) ZIP2 (82 GB)      
Information (parameters, accuracy, map sheets list)          
License terms          

Overview of the division of Orthophotomosaic of the Slovak Republic 2nd cycle (2020-2022) RGBN variant in ZIP files for download

Overview of the division of Orthophotomosaic of the Slovak Republic 2nd cycle (2020-2022) RGB variant in ZIP files for download

Overview of airborne imageries, from which Orthophotomosaic of Slovakia 2017-2019 (1st cycle) was created, together with the exact date of their creation is available in ESRI Shapefile format for download HERE.

Map sheet layout 
1 : 5000  Esri GDB  Esri SHP  GeoPackage

GSD (Ground Sampling Distance): 20 cm/pixel
Format:  TIFF + TFW
Number of channels: 4 (RGBN, 8-bit)
Coordinate reference system: S-JTSK(JTSK) - EPSG code:5514
Number of map sheets (MS) in 1:5000 scale: territory of western Slovakia = 3418 MS, territory of central Slovakia = 3435 MS, territory of eastern Slovakia = 3422 MS

Root mean square error:
RMSExy = 0,21 m

CE95 (Circular error 95%):
CE95 = 1,7308 x RMSExy = 0,36 m

CE95 value defines the radius of a circle centred at the specified point on the orthophotomosaic within which the real horizontal position of the point is located with 95% probability. It represents the magnitude of an error which will not be exceeded in 95% of cases.


Updated: 08.07.2024